Kitty and DaPoodle – Author’s notes


Kit and DaPoodle book cover

Kit and DaPoodle book cover

It has been a year since I wrote my book Kit and daPoodle  about a kitty who loves to play with her poodle friend.


kit and DaPoodle

kit and DaPoodle



I hope that you will consider purchasing my book Kit and daPoodle which is available in paperback version from and also can be purchased in Kindle form for a Kindle reader.


Standard Poodle

Standard Poodle


 Calico kitty

Calico kitty

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please add some money to the little piggy to help me write my blogs

my new book Kit and DaPoodle

my new book Kit and DaPoodle

My new book Kit and DaPoodle is now available on Amazon as a paperback and from Kindle Reader.  I hope that you will enjoy it.  It is about a poodle and his playful kitty companion! I wrote the book for children of elementary age, but I hope that all of you will enjoy it!

Kit and Dapoodle.cover

Kit and DaPoodle will be released soon!

The story of a poodle and his faithful kitty companion

The story of a poodle and his faithful kitty companion

My second book Kit and DaPoodle will be released soon on Kindle Reader..and also as a paperback version through Create Space on Amazon! It is about the playful adventures of “DaPoodle” and his faithful kitty companion “kit”. I hope that you will all consider purchasing this book upon release! thanks!