Imelda and the Carabao – notes from the author

Imelda and the Carabao by Steven Wiseblood

Imelda and the Carabao by Steven Wiseblood

It has been a year since I wrote Imelda and the Carabao which is loosely based on my travels to the Philippines in 2012.

During my travels I learned about life on a Philippine farm, growing and harvesting rice, farming equipment as well as growing vegetables and selling them at the Philippine market.

Carabao in water

Carabao in water

kuliglig -  farming equipment

kuliglig – farming equipment

I highly recommend  my book,  Imelda and the Carabao for anyone who wants to learn something about Philippine rural life in the  Cagayan Valley, which is  in the far northern part of Luzon.  Imelda and the Carabao is also available on AMAZON.COM and at a kindle book also. I hope that you will read it and  enjoy it!

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