The many benefits of chili peppers

Variety Chili Peppers

Variety of  Chili Peppers

Chili peppers nutrition facts and health benefits

The chili pepper plant belongs to the nightshade family (Solanaceae), as are tomatoes.

Chili Peppers are a rich source of Vitamin-C

Chilies contain health benefiting an alkaloid compound in them,capsaicin, which gives them strong spicy pungent character. Early laboratory studies on experimental mammals suggest that capsaicin has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic properties. It also found to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in obese individuals.                                                                    (

Heat strength of peppers in SHU's

Heat strength of peppers in SHU’s

Health benefits of chili peppers

Health benefits of chili peppers

Eat healthy

Eat healthy

Jalapeño Peppers

Jalapeño Peppers

Serrano peppers

Serrano peppers

Habanero peppers

Habanero peppers

Types of chili peppers

     Types of chili peppers

Kaito KA550 Portable Solar / Hand Crank AM/FM, Shortwave ; NOAA Weather Emergency Radio

Kaito KA550 Portable Solar / Hand Crank AM/FM, Shortwave ; NOAA Weather Emergency Radio

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piggy bank
piggy bank

I am recovering from a HACK ATTACK

hack attack

hack attack

hand on keyboard

hand on keyboard

I am now recovering from a HACK ATTACK

so it seems like many words don’t mean quite  the same now

as they  did when they were used 20 years ago…..

or 40 years ago.

hackers ahead

hackers ahead

I am getting over a cold and still have the cough to deal with,

I had quite a HACK ATTACK last night and have had to take some extra doses of cough syrup.

cough syrup

cough syrup

I had to take 4 doses of my best cough syrup but soon afterward I felt a lot better.

cough syrup

cough syrup

I believe that, now, I am on the road to recovery

cough syrup

cough syrup

High fructose corn syrup – good and bad

The truth about high fructose corn syrup

The truth about high fructose corn syrup

What do we know about high fructose corn syrup, and is it good or bad for our health? 

looking at a corn field

looking at a corn field


                High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a calorie-providing sweetener used to sweeten foods and beverages, particularly processed and store-bought foods. It is made by an enzymatic process from glucose syrup that is derived from corn. A relatively new food ingredient, it was first produced in Japan in the late 1960s, then entered the American food supply system in the early 1970s. HFCS is a desirable food ingredient for food manufacturers because it is equally as sweet as table sugar, blends well with other foods, helps foods to maintain a longer shelf life, and is less expensive (due to government subsidies on corn) than other sweeteners. It can be found in a variety of food products including soft drinks, salad dressings, ketchup, jams, sauces, ice cream and even bread. (

This is what high fructose corn syrup looks like

This is what high fructose corn syrup looks like



There are two types of high fructose corn syrup found in foods today:

Powerade has HFCS listed as the second ingredient

Powerade has HFCS listed as the second ingredient

Bottom line, the Mayo Clinic notes that “controversy exists … about whether or not the body handles high-fructose corn syrup differently than table sugar.” But Mayo and Green America are on the same page when it comes to sugar and HFCS: Avoid overconsumption of both. (


High fructose corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup

list of ingredients HFCS

list of ingredients HFCS